Frequently Asked Question

Q: What are the operating hours for Baker’s Cottage outlets?

A: Our operating hours may differ from outlet to outlet. Kindly check our outlet opening times before you head out. Please refer to the following website link for details:

Q: Where are you located and how do I order?

A: We currently have over 160 retail outlets in West Malaysia, kindly contact your preferred outlet for bookings and enquiries or walk-in to make your purchase. Please refer to the following website link for details:

*No order will be taken through Facebook, WhatsApp, SMS, Email & Customer Service Lines.

Q: Does Baker’s Cottage offer delivery?

A: We regret to inform that we do not offer delivery. However, we are available on Foodpanda.

Q: Does Baker’s Cottage offer online purchase?

A: Unfortunately, online order is only applicable for Baked Skin Mooncake purchases (around Aug. to Sept.). For others products, kindly drop by at your preferred outlet to make your purchase.

Q: Is there any on-going promotion?

A: Kindly contact your preferred outlet directly or refer to the following website link for further information.

Q: What cakes does Baker’s Cottage offer and how much are they?

A: We currently serve 2 types of cakes – Signature Cakes and Ice-Cream Cakes.

The price of the 7” Signature Cake ranges from RM56.99 to RM74.99 while the 9” Signature Cake ranges from RM74.99 to RM89.99.

For the 7" Ice-Cream Cake, the price is RM99.99 while the 9" Ice-Cream Cake is RM111.24.

Please refer to the following website link for the list of our cakes.

*All cakes are subject to stock availability at each outlet.

Q: Does Baker’s Cottage offer cake customizations?

A: We regret to inform that we do not offer cake customizations. However, we do provide message writing services on cakes for any whole cake purchase.

Q: Does Baker’s Cottage offer vegetarian or eggless cakes and pastries?

A: We regret to inform that our cakes are non-vegetarian/ vegan friendly and our pastries contain eggs.

Q: Does Baker’s Cottage offer franchise?

A: Thank you for your interest in helping our brand grow. Unfortunately, we do not offer franchises.

Q: How do I apply for a job at Baker’s Cottage?

A: For employment enquiries, please WhatsApp our HR department at 016-332 3316 for details. Our team will contact you within 3 working days if you are shortlisted for interview.
WhatsApp Link:

Q: Who should I/ we contact for collaboration or shop lot recommendations?

A: For matters relating to shop lot recommendations/ product recommendations/ working collaborations/ sponsorships and invitations, kindly email to We will relay this to our respective team and they shall contact you if is deemed to be mutually beneficial. Thank you.